Fringe review: NICK PUPO - ADDICTED, Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Comedian Nick Pupo explores his turbulent relationship with drugs with clever wit and dark sincerity. 14 years clean of opiates, Nick reflects on his past; choices he made, promises he broke. Is he a bad person? A bad friend? Does he deserve forgiveness?

Addiction is a delicate subject, and Nick deftly tows the line between addiction and identity as he asks himself questions with equal parts hilarity and desperation. If he did drugs for years but quit on his own, does that make him a recovering addict? Or does that make him just a curious guy?

First of all, this is not stand-up comedy, it’s storytelling with a comedic deliverance. Pupo is a great storyteller, his honesty (with the audience, if not always himself) is commendable. If you've never had an addiction like this, then you would be forgiven for not realising just how easy it is to fall into. Surround yourself with the wrong people and it will all fall into place fairly quickly, as Pupo explains.

It's an intriguing, heartfelt, honest and funny piece. Can we forgive Pupo for the hamster incident? Maybe, in time. Can we support his efforts to change and become a better friend, absolutely!

Insightful, candid and funny.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Rachel Louise Martin

Nick Pupo: Addicted plays in Just the Bottle Room at Just the Tonic at The Mash House at 6.10pm until 27 August.


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