Interview: Keith Jack on playing Prince Joseph in SNOW WHITE at Stafford Gatehouse

Musical theatre star Keith Jack is set to perform in Snow White at Stafford Gatehouse this Christmas. We spoke to Keith ahead of rehearsals starting about what he is looking forward to most about spending the festive season in Stafford and his panto memories.

What is your favourite panto memory?

It has to be one of the first pantos I ever watched when I just fell in love with that feeling of panto. I was with the school watching a production in my hometown. I just remember laughing so much and falling in love with the fairytale too. I can still remember the love duet!

You have had an incredibly successful musical theatre career since Any Dream Will Do some 14 years ago. What has been your career highlight thus far?

Honestly, there are too many amazing things to choose just one moment! I think the fact I get to do each day what I’ve dreamed about since being a 5-year-old boy in a kilt in Scotland is the biggest highlight for me! I have also made met some incredible people that have become my friends.

What are the joys and challenges of a panto run?

The joys have to be how much it feels like Christmas. Family out wrapped up, sweets, hot chocolate, kids dressed as their favourite characters, it honestly just brings something magical to it all. I don't think there are any challenges if I’m honest.

You will be performing alongside Nolan sister, Maureen. Will you also be getting us in the mood for dancing?

Of course, I can’t wait!

What kind of a Prince will you be playing in Snow White?

I’ve not seen the script yet but from my own point of view, a prince that feels very real and allows the younger kids to invest fully in heart of the story.

Do you have any desire to play a villain in the future rather than the hero?
I love playing the hero if I’m honest. Maybe from the way I was brought up as a child, it would be fun to play a villain once, just for fun!

Because of how everything has been over the last 19 months, do you think the audience will respond differently to panto this year?

1000%! I think they will be even more invested in the story if I’m honest. This might be some families first trip out to the theatre and what a beautiful time of the year to get people back together, just laughing, singing and dancing away. This panto will be epic!

You will be performing at the newly refurbished Gatehouse Theatre. What are you most looking forward to about spending the Christmas season in Stafford?

I can’t wait! I have a couple of friends from Stafford who has told me a few places to visit for food and coffee, and looking for to being in the new theatre itself!

Snow White runs at Stafford Gatehouse from 10-31 December. To book tickets, please click here.


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