Further titles added to stream.theatre platform


More exclusive performances have been added to the line-up on digital venue, stream.theatre.

For drama fans, Shaun McKenna’s Rocky Road (featuring Tyger Drew-Honey and Kirsten Foster) will be live streamed from Jermyn Street Theatre for three performances only at the end of April; with the critically acclaimed All On Her Own, starring Janie Dee, also returning for a limited run.

For musical fans, Eurobeat: The Pride of Europe brings the fun in May, celebrating all things Eurovision; then following this, there is a rare celebration of music of Drew Gasparini in I Could Use A Drink, performed by some of the UK’s best and rising stars.

Fundraising event, A Night of Marie Curie, also streams from 1 May, featuring a host of stars raising money for this brilliant charity.

Remember to check EPISODES, which sees over 100 hours of on-demand arts programming including A Killer Party, which stars Jason Manford, Oscar Conlon-Morrey, Debbie Kurup , Cedric Neal, Amara Okareke, Lucas Rush, Emma Salvo, Ashley Samuels, Harriet Thorpe and Rachel Tucker.

Plenty to enjoy here, Besties!


Review: PYGMALION, APHRODITE and ICARUS, Talking Gods Festival, Arrows & Traps


Review: JOHN CULLUM - AN ACCIDENTAL STAR, Vineyard Theatre (Online)