Fifteen-year-old Nellie Regan to stage fundraiser for the Union Theatre

Nellie Regan is on a mission to save the Union Theatre with a fundraising concert at The Other Palace on 27 March.

The impressive fifteen-year-old daughter of Sasha Regan, award-winning producer, artistic director and founder of the Union Theatre, has brought together some of the hottest West End names in musical theatre, with the evening co-hosted by Arran Bell and Michael Mather.

The line-up includes Michael Ahomka-Lindsay, Bronté Barbé, Pearce Barron, Kyle Birch, Michael Burgen, Erin Caldwell, Owen Clayton, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Tom Duern, Alex James Ellison, Andrew Ewart, Luke Friend, Collette Guitart, Billie Kerr, Sam Kipling, Hannah Lawton, Emma Lindars, Michael Mather, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky, Kayleigh McKnight, Alex Okoampa, Ayesha Patel, and Rodney Vubya.

Nellie said: “This show will mean a lot to me and a lot to those who know and love the Union Theatre. The Union has a special place in a lot of people’s hearts.  It’s also my mum’s theatre.  I grew up there.  It’s not just a theatre but home-from-home to many…it nurtures talent, brings together communities and gives artistic people a start in life.  Many return and some never leave.  It also provides a support network for those in the arts.”

Nellie will also be appearing in the concert.  As well as helping her mother to run the Union Theatre, she is studying musical theatre at The Brit School and has been involved in productions such as Whistle Down The Wind (Union Theatre), When I Grow Up (Lyric Theatre) and even appeared in the Jim Jams Chocolate Spread advert. 

To book tickets, please click here.


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